Thursday 26 May 2011

I wish to announce an engagement...

Painting is an unsettling process. It's often effected by mood and the position of the moon let alone the sun. I've always the compulsion to 'want to create' and it's generally fun, often irritating, maddening even!.....

Occasionally there are times when the paint flies of the knife with the greatest of ease, each gesture on the canvas sings and one just feels alrighty with the World.

This picture is one of those gestures, where there's 'total engagement' of mind, body and palette knife, working seamlessly together like ol buddies and without the nagging doubt lurking in the grey matter... 'is this good enough?'

I like's for me.

After the rain
Acrylic on canvas 30x30cm using a knife, various cerebral parts, shoulder, arm, digits and good will...

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