Wednesday 28 November 2012

Hmm.. just thinking

Today I'm returning the studio for an extensive period of painting. I been attending to other matters that are a healthy counterbalance to my painterly works.
So, I'm dusting the studio and gathering some images together just to see 'how I'm doing and where I'm going'... I often bring them out of the studio and plonk them in a domestic setting just for me to see things in a different perspective, in a different light and amongst 'life stuff'... for that's where they really belong.

This is what I saw this morning whilst chomping on my toast.. A sample of my smaller works and quite a random display.. I'm kinda happy with the way things are moving on...and 'just thought I'd share.'

1 comment:

the veg artist said...

I love stuff displayed like this - they have an energy, a sort of "Just on my way" about them.