Wednesday 12 September 2012

Life's a beach at times...

In celebration of our summer just past... 'I think we've mustered about 8 proper warm, sunny summer days this year'... This painting is for me!

You can't beat a large expanse of sand or water for that matter... and as there is little chance of that happening around these parts, here is some much required beach life. It's of the Welsh variety of course, colour, movement, big sea, hills and sandy shores.  ....'I sense a song coming along...'  
Anyway, it'll help me get through winter.

'The Beach Boyos'
acrylic on panel
60x 160cm


the veg artist said...

I couldn't possibly put a comment on your 'running' post - I simply don't understand people who run. Glad to see that Josh doesn't have to suffer as well though.
Beaches are another thing, and here, the tourists have thinned out nicely and the weather is still warm. Combined with low sun at late afternoon it's perfect for the type of sketching I enjoy. Lots of crevices in the rocks highlighted. That sort of thing!

chris prout said...

Sounds lovely, quite jealous.